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“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” – Mark Twain
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My Fool Proof Rating System

95-100% Fool Proof
Amazing! Think A+. A must-purchase if you can find it. I would be willing to pay a little over MSRP for a bottle in this range.
80-84% Fool Proof
Good. Very enjoyable. Think B or B-. This would be a "daily drinker" if you're so inclined.
65-69% Fool Proof
Not Good! Maybe could pass as a mixer but probably best to just avoid.
90-94% Fool Proof
Incredible! Think A or A-. Also, a must-purchase if you can find it.
75-79% Fool Proof
Average. It's worth trying. Think C+. Could still be enjoyed neat, but you wouldn't feel bad using it as a mixer.
60-64% Fool Proof
Bad! Don't waste your money and I'm sorry that I wasted mine!
85-89% Fool Proof.
Very Good! Think B+. Also, a must-purchase.
70-74% Fool Proof
Below Average. Think C to C-. This is a mixer only.
Below 59% Fool Proof
I won't waste our time reviewing anything that I think has a Fool Proof rating of less than 59%.
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